Skiing and snowboarding are excellent activities to stay in shape and have a good time. To keep these winter sports fun, it is very important to know about potential injuries related to these activities and how to prevent them!
The knee is the most frequently injured part of the body, caused by rotational and hyperextension movements. Fractures of the clavicle and humerus are also very common, as well as head injuries. They are mostly caused by high-speed impacts, such as collisions with trees, poles or other skiers.
Fluctuating winter conditions are also another factor to consider as they can create unsafe skiing conditions.
Preventing Injuries Skiing and snowboarding injuries can be avoided by following these tips:
Get in shape before the season starts: don't count on these activities to get back in shape!
Know the technique or take a lesson to refresh your memory.
Have the right equipment: wear goggles, helmet and warm clothing.
Check your equipment: don't borrow skis, ski poles or snowboarding equipment that doesn't fit your size.
Warm up before you hit the slopes and take time to recover with some light stretching.
Stay within your limit! Ski at your level and take a break when your body feels tired. Moderation comes first.
Contact Physio Go Clinic in Case of Injury If you have signs or symptoms of a ski or snowboard injury, contact us. Our physiotherapists treat any problem affecting the musculoskeletal, neurological, respiratory and circulatory systems of the body, causing injury and pain to the body:
Other soft tissues
Peripheral nerves
Central nervous system
We are highly qualified to evaluate your condition and to proceed with a personalized therapy program that targets the problems that will be identified during your evaluation! Subscribe to Our Newsletter!