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What Is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is a health profession for people whose ability to function in daily life has been affected. This disruption is often caused by physical illness, injury, disability, developmental problems or physical deconditioning due to aging, mental illness and/or emotional problems. The main goal of occupational therapy treatment is to improve your autonomy, restore your overall productivity, and help you resume your daily activities to improve your quality of life.

We Can Help You Occupational therapists at Physio Go clinic assess your physical constraints and psychosocial factors that interfere with your daily activities following an injury or illness. Our therapists are trained to evaluate your home and work environment. By conducting an analysis of your home and work tasks, we will then offer personalized recommendations to improve your functional capacity in your environment. If you have an illness or injury that can be helped by an occupational therapist, call the Physio Go clinic! You will be seen by one of our highly trained and experienced occupational therapists. Subscribe to Our Newsletter!


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